It is Getting Exciting Over Here

As some of you have seen on our Facebook page we have launched our vendor part of the business with an ice cream trailer. We haven’t done too much with it just yet but don’t worry, it is coming.

We are working on getting the plumbing finalized in it and then hopefully we will have it wrapped with beautiful graphics in the next week or two.

With the addition of the trailer we will be able to sell ice cream, desserts (at some point) and will be able to educate more people on dairy and how delicious farm fresh, local ice cream can be.

Not only that, we are also moving forward with our plans to build a farm market here at Jericho Acres Dairy. We have received so much support from our community and from across not only Kentucky but the whole US. In fact, we also received a letter from the United Kingdom after our footage from NBC was shown over there.

We would have never been able to get any of this accomplished without the help of Kentucky Center of Agriculture and Rural Development along with the Governor’s Office of Agricultural Policy. They have helped in guiding us in the right direction for our farm.

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